Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Volkspark Friedrichshain

The Tiergarten (Berlin's main park) was one of the main things that drew me back to Berlin; rowing two of my best friends round the lake with dappled sunlight streaming through the trees and someone playing the sax on the bank is one of my favourite memories. And if I was pretty excited to discover the Volkspark in Kreuzberg yesterday, it was a complete treat to come across this (below) during my morning run. Either side of the lake are two wooded hills which you can circle your way up, there is an open air cinema and kids play areas so imaginative they piss all over our witch's hats and see-saws.


Attitudes to drinking beer are different to the UK, where it tends to be focused around Thursday to Saturday nights. In Berlin, its not confined to pubs, nor to any time of day. Its pretty common to see someone walking down the street in the day with a bottle; you pop into your corner shop, pay a euro and use the bottle opener by the till. Jogging past three lads at 9.30am hanging out in the sun with a beer nailed it for me. As soon as I got home, I dragged my boyfriend back up the park and hung out learning the German future tense all day!

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