Once again into Lichtenberg to make the stamen of my hibiscus. What? I'm sorry, I'm thought this had something to do with running, and maybe sightseeing but not the anatomical parts of plants. Well you're kind of right, but as I run my routes, I'm also trying to draw a huge picture of some hibiscus over Berlin. Hopefully you can start to see it by now. I do have to admit a bit of
cheating pruning, this week however. When I started, I didn't quite know what picture I wanted to paint with my footsteps. My routes were quite long and always started and ended where I lived. As my training steps up a gear, my routes are longer and in order to make the perfect petal or leaf, I don't always draw a line back to my flat. So I've done a bit of pruning, removing some of the old route lines, so that my picture is clearer. There, its out, admitted, nothing left to hide!

Talking of pruning, my run today took me past two gardening projects in Lichtenberg. We've had
flower shops, f
ootpath gardens,
allotments and now community gardens. One standing proud and completed and the other in its infancy, with pictures of what will be growing rather forlornly attached to the fence.
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